Untapped Worlds – Reside

I again continue this series from the last post, Untapped Worlds — Entries and the two previous to it.
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Do I contradict myself?
Very well then I contradict myself,
(I am large, I contain multitudes.)
Song of Myself, Walt Whitman

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Part of human nature, beginning at our very first breath, is to find identity, to feel loved, to feel a sense of value. Whitman poetically asks how is that achieved? By embracing equally, he replies, our ordinary and our extraordinary. Sounds liberating! Sounds easy, huh? If you are a child again, sure.

There are various reasons why it is not always as simple as Whitman’s monologue. But it doesn’t mean it’s impossible!

In my Introduction post of this series and the following Departure post, I covered just how truthful in 1855 Whitman’s poem describes us, “Very well then, I contradict myself…” In the next post Entries, I covered briefly how we humans probably became walking, talking contradictions; extraordinary contradictions over centuries and millenia to become one of the paradoxically dominant species on the planet. Four primary causes for this graduated progression were planetary resources, our physical bodies and brains, and our learned adaptation of more complex social collaboration. Yet, more paradoxical is that we’ve also made these remarkable leaps of advancement at a very staggering cost in human atrocities, deaths, and near extinctions. If we look more closely at these paradoxes on a group scale and personal scale, perhaps we can permanently exit our barbaric behaviours and fears, and begin to reside more permanently and safely in realized child-like kinetic, sharing creativity.

Power Management and the Grid – Planetary Resources

As I previously covered, the average human brain requires at least 12.6 watts of metabolic power to operate during an average 24-hours. The rest of our body requires about 50.4 watts for a total consumption of around 63 watts, or what nutritionists say is roughly 2,000 calories per day — 1,800 avg. for women, 2,200 avg. for men — and varies slightly due to height, weight, age, cultural region, and activity level. Care to be educated in what 2,000 calories or 63 watts looks like… for an entire day, all day? You might be surprised…

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Though the food selections above are not the “healthiest choices,” that is as much as an average person requires for one entire day. Not much more, and less if desired. Multiply 2,000 calories (63 watts) by today’s approximate world population of 7.38 billion that comes out to 17.46 trillion calories per day, almost 465 million kW per day…a very, very manageable metabolic consumption rate for a planet brimming with caloric resources; a cornucopia of life-giving sustenance for everyone several times over. Yet, many regions, local or global, have persistent annual malnutrition and famine. From the U.N. Food & Agriculture Organization (2014):

The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization estimates that about 805 million people of the 7.3 billion people in the world, or one in nine, were suffering from chronic undernourishment in 2012-2014. Almost all the hungry people, 791 million, live in developing countries, representing 13.5 percent, or one in eight, of the population of developing counties. There are 11 million people undernourished in developed countries.

As a fellow human being these facts slap me in the face. As an American living in one of, if not THE wealthiest nation on the planet, this hurts. This rips at my heart because daily I am surrounded, nagged, and ashamed by how excessively wasteful we are as a country. It’s everywhere here in Texas. I am not exaggerating.

WEEE man statue

The WEEE man statue, 7-meters of human electronics and electrical waste materials one human disposes in a lifetime.

It isn’t all bad news for us Yankees and Confederates, thankfully. According to the OECD the U.S. has ranked in the top three giving nations of the 28 member nations for the last fifteen years or more — because we do have so much excess. Do you think a lot more can be done?

Personal confession:  my ideal body weight for a 6-foot man is 175-180 lbs. Today I weigh 196 lbs. This is not too healthy, both on a personal scale and nowhere close on a social scale! I’m changing it. The very first step I’m taking is saying “No” a lot more often. Repeating that wonderful word is not going to greatly effect my luxurious lifestyle either. It’s probably not near enough so I am doing more. I am reducing my food portions significantly and spreading out my two meals a day. Besides, much of what goes in my mouth never enters my body — what fat molecules remain get piled around the waist — and the rest is… as they say, returned to Earth. Typically, that is over half of what I ate in the first place. As I was learning more about the gastrointestinal tract, I was appalled by the waste and stunned by the body’s incredible efficiency to create metabolic-energy from so little.

Nevertheless, the minimal lean resources we humans actually need are relative to what Earth abundantly provides and what others, like myself, take away or waste.

The Beautiful Breakable Divergent Body and Brain

They are our first impressions. How the body looks, smells, and moves can reveal its general affairs and use. The body has several ways to let us and others know if it’s ill or well, surviving or thriving. It is perhaps one of the most sophisticated organic systems in the known universe. For the sake of time, here is a highly abbreviated idea of how sophisticated.

The Skin Our body’s primary defense against the world’s microbial hordes is our skin; trillions of skin cells sacrifice themselves as shields absorbing invaders daily to soon fall off carrying would-be invaders with them. Then they are so rapidly replaced by new skin cells ready to repeat the carnage, it would make Joseph Stalin green with envy. Also, if you ever feel unattractive, consider this:  Your body is so intensely appealing to trillions of tiny-stalkers they would like nothing better than to get all over you!

Immune System — It can be considered one of the most powerful array of defense weapons ever gathered in one organization. It can respond to attacks in broad or specific ways and due to highly sophisticated training, the system is like the body’s élite Special Forces in two basic Divisions:  AB and CA. The AB, or antibody division, is led by B-cells handling most bacterial attacks. The CA, or cellular division, is made up of T-cells which are most effective against viral attackers. Both divisions derive their “special skills” from stem cells in bone marrow. Both can diversify as required by the battleground’s demands. Both divisions patrol the body far and wide. The immune system requires the effectiveness of the next system/buffet.

Amino Acid Buffet — About half of our organic material in our bodies is protein. It is usually connected to muscles, but protein is deployed in the body in a dazzling variety of ways and in tens of thousands of forms. Every day our bodies belly up to the amino acid buffet, creating thousands of proteins from 22 basic building blocks called amino acids. Some become muscle and sinew, some as hormones — messengers that stimulate growth, order organs to speed up or slow down, direct nerve traffic as well as manage how cells handle blood sugar. Others make up antibodies, the soldiers of the aforementioned immune system’s two combat divisions.


Sexual divergence illustrated

These three systems are only a tiny portion of multiple systems that make humans the most complex species on Earth. Yet, as covered in previous posts in this series, as remarkable as the design of the human body is it has flaws, weaknesses, and divergence. Compared to many other species which have retained and perfected their body configuration over tens or hundreds of millions of years, our hominid ancestors only started walking upright around 3-4 million years ago. This is barely enough time to sort out the imperfections, one of which we may feel every night or so in our lower back. Our spinal column comes from a model that evolved to better suit quadrupeds. Being bipedal results in gravity’s full force down our backbones, compressing vertebrae and squashing the disks that sit in between them:  herniated disks. Perhaps it’s time to return to a lot more ‘horizontal‘ activity! 😈

The healthy and young suffer from evolutionary imperfections. Many pro athletes ask too much of their knees and shoulders than our current structures are mechanically able to perform. Youths suffer through acne, another probable evolutionary hangover. In other hairy animals, sebaceous glands disperse oil onto hair fibers aiding a supple and rain-proof coat. Oddly, Homo sapiens have become less and less hairy and those same oils clog and infect the sebaceous glands causing unsightly acne.

The Brain — A good deal of time was spent pointing out the human brain’s shortcomings in the first two posts. Now I wish to point out the nervous system’s astonishing control-room, the brain. Our skulls hold about a 2.8 pound tapioca-like goop holding about 100 to 200-billion neurons and many of them can interconnect with 10,000 or more other neurons throughout the entire body. This network means that the various pathways an impulse can take inside the brain can possibly exceed the number of particles in the Universe. The fact that some of us can hardly obey basic traffic laws or balance a checking account is not for the lack of tools!

As humankind faces known and unknown species-threatening biological diseases, social and planetary dysfunctions, any of which that could lead to near extinction, if not full extinction in the next fifty to one hundred years, it becomes utterly critical than ever before in human history that the human race begin thinking a lot more in terms of a species and not individuals. But wait! That is not all of it. Simple altruism will not achieve complete survival of our species. The journey and struggle for higher enlightenment, quicker evolution, and dynamic social ecological collaboration are ironically and equally an individual one as it also relates to the whole species. They cannot be separated. But more on this cognitive paradox later in the series.

Litmus and Human Chemistry – Our Social Life

Don’t worry Wilson, I’ll do all the paddling. You just hang on!” Chuck Noland’s relationship with a volleyball, in the film Cast Away, sums up how much we need social interaction for identity, inspiration, and a functioning level of sanity in an otherwise apathetic daunting world.

GroupAround 3-million years ago hominids began sharing resources, probably because they witnessed sharing among other animal groups particularly with offspring. This activity facilitates what is known in modern neurology and psychology as parental attachment. This bonding has several supporting social and physiological dynamics, most notably cognitive and hormonal bonding. Studies on infants and toddlers infer an innate need for children to develop emotional attachments to increase their chances of survival. Parental attachment eventually expands with age into more complex bonding mechanisms of group and mating attachments and identity, again satisfying our innate needs of survival and hormonal rewards. When none of these cognitive and hormonal dynamics exist for an infant, toddler, or adult, the result is a higher increase in stress or the release of cortisol by the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA Axis) which if prolonged, leads to a rippling-effect into other negative health complications such as digestive problems, heart disease, sleep deprivation, depression, and memory-concentration impairment to name a few. In contrast though, positive social interaction is associated with increased oxytocin. Oxytocin and vasopressin are major deterrents against stress-hormones and in both toddlers, children, and to extents adults too, enhancing human motivation for curiosity and intellectual growth of expression, language, mathematical, and logic-cognitive growth… all wonderful contributions to a secure healthy emotional base.

Now that I’ve quickly touched upon what goes on inside our body and brain on the microscopic biological spectrum — there is just too much to cover in a few posts; a virtual multi-storied library — I move on to external influences, stimuli, nourishment or dis-ease that enter our brain and body through all five senses.

The Question of Free Experiential Learning


Free children quote - ASNeill






Many of you may have been raised in systemic public schooling like me. Every single school morning in 1st period the class would stand, and in unison verbally recite word-for-exact-word… “I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America. And to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for All.” Later as an adult and a teacher of several public school districts I was required to lead all my 1st period students in the Pledge of Allegiance, persuading each to follow suit if necessary. Why? What was the purpose of this oath?

When I was a boy I asked my Dad what the pledge was all about. Being a former Eagle Scout then U.S. Marine Corps soldier, my father explained in simpler terms a code and what I elaborate today as a code of honor, courage, and committment to live by and to guard our nation’s principles, as an élite noble warrior if necessary. This began my deep lifetime boyish admiration for military history, its valiant soldiers, leaders, and the powerful survival concept Band of Brothers. The code of Semper Fidelis and what it means is something that for personal reasons quickly and embarrassingly brings tears to my eyes. Since 1990 I have continued to learn the stark contrast between freedom and license.

Real Madrid FC supporters

Real Madrid FC supporters

Nationalism, along with religion and sports fans, is one of civilization’s most potent methods of systemic taught and learned “beliefs”. What is most intriguing is that nationalism is everywhere around most of the world, yet it can be quite illusive to nail down what those beliefs are exactly that define nationalism or patriotism. One common form of nationalism is the odd belief that your nation is superior to others in particular ways. “Patriotism is your conviction” George Bernard Shaw notes, “that your country is superior to all other countries because you were born in it.” Indeed, even though one has no real control of where your mother births you, happenstance falsely gives you the conditioned right to proudly brag. Another form of nationalism is the perceived (and taught) duty to protect your nation when under threat, e.g. my father’s and my nation’s USMC code. This form of conditioning fascinates me and it can be found not only in the psyche of human groups, but also in many other species on Earth! I will address this phenomenon later in the series. Even more fascinating is that nationalism is a recent human endeavor, emerging only over the last three centuries!

Since the mid-1600’s nation-builders couldn’t simply use enthusiasm to unite people. Enthusiasm is too emotionally temporary; prolonged high levels of adrenaline, or epinephrine, exhaust the body’s hormonal and nervous system. This condition is associated with combat veterans suffering from PTSD or extended periods of the adrenaline-high “fight-or-flight” mode. The body needs to return to periods of standard hormonal levels to fully function.

No, instead nation-builders found a powerful more permanent tool:  captive audience. In other words, a national education system teaching the nation-state’s “unique” ideology. In religion, it is and has historically been no different.

Should a national and/or religious education system be the one and only single form of teaching and learning? John Maynard Keynes was one of Western civilization’s prolific economists of the early 20th century. During the Great Depression (1929-1939) Keynes was popularly criticized for his M.O. of inconsistency. When forced to explain his fluidity, he replied “When the facts change, I change my mind. What do you do Sir?” Sherlock Holmes had a similar anecdote reminding Watson, “When you have eliminated  the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.” There is a profound ceaseless curiosity innate in our human psyche from our earliest days as a toddler. If free to explore and not ruthlessly confined and coerced, human cognition can brilliantly unlock mysteries of the subatomic to the macro-cosmic and everything in between, including the far reaches in ourselves.  Alexander Neill also believed in this learning philosophy. In 1921 Neill believed “school should be made to fit the child, rather than the other way around.” The role of the parents and nation-states was simply to protect the integrity of that freedom and nurture liberating non-stop curiosity which fuels human ingenuity and the highest human virtues. Neill’s Summerhill School in Lyme Regis then Leiston, Suffolk, England, was and is a radical departure from traditional religious and national education systems. However, our species didn’t make evolutionary and revolutionary leaps or breakthroughs by remaining intellectually, physically, biologically, and philosophically stagnate. No, progress requires continual questioning, reëxamination, and possible-probable retooling — residing in fluidness if you will — even in the face of perceived contradictions or threats from establishments.

“Very well then I contradict myself,
(I am large, I contain multitudes.)”

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* * * * * * * * * *

There is little doubt how much we truly need each other. The big question is how we need each other? What are the connections? Language, symbols, and physical expression are the acute methods of navigating our social soups. Mastering all of them could not be more urgent as our species confronts the biological, social, and ecological dilemmas and crises of the 21st century.

In the next post of this series Untapped Worlds — Retooling, I will explore what it means to be a part of a super-organism, what it means to be surrounded by endless biodiversity, and how more humans are finally catching up with other highly eusocial species on the planet, yet also highlight the coexisting paradoxes or contradictions that subtly distinguish us from other animals species, but never alienate us.

Live Well — Love Much — Laugh Often — Learn Always

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21 thoughts on “Untapped Worlds – Reside

    • And as you probably know John, Denny’s isn’t the only restaurant on the excessive bandwagon. Unless you regularly shop at the local Farmer’s Market(s) which have sadly dwindled in number the last two decades, the “super mega grocery stores” — carrying everything imaginable under one roof — annually give shoppers less and less choices in quantity because of packaging. In other words, if you simply need 8 large strawberries, the smallest container available has 20-30. Need three or four bananas? Packaged as 8-10. “Buy 3 for $5” or “Buy 5 for $10” coupons and sale-signs are everywhere on the shelves, and buying just 1 or 2 is noticeably more expensive.

      I could go on and on about the various forms of sales-marketing tactics outside of food too, but you have the idea. I’ve spoken with many visitors from foreign countries — particularly African soccer players — and they’d describe it as a freak show too. I’m not necessarily an opponent of a thriving economy, of course, BUT when the majority of the nation’s citizens (parents?) are convinced that happiness, freedom, choices galore, and The American Dream is consumerism, this wasteful monstrosity here is the result. 😦 From a previous blog-post…

      Liked by 3 people

  1. Pingback: Untapped Worlds – Entries | Professor Taboo

  2. That was a lot of (pardon the pun) food for thought. 🙂 In your research, were you able to determine how physical exertion may play a part in aiding the function of the skin, immune system, amino acid buffet, as well as the brain? Is there a figure that would show how it might, or serves to increase, our wattage output? I’d be curious to see that in numbers like you’ve so wonderfully illustrated throughout this and the previous blogs. I would think that by adding in the factor of physical activity all of the areas you chose to highlight would be improved. I know for a fact that it helps me, and to see it “in numbers” would be even more incentive to continue with the physical activity.

    As for the education system we have in our country, I couldn’t agree more with Alexander Neill, “school should be made to fit the child”. However, it would behoove the parent to supplement that learning… sadly our society expects the schools to teach their children EVERYTHING.

    Further, education should not stop when one gets out of college. I wonder if the Professor will touch on the need for continued education in the next series “Retooling”. It is important to continue to learn, to explore, to be adventurous, perhaps even dare to step out of our vanilla comfort zones so that one could experience a higher enlightenment. Yes, while your section on “The Question of Free Experiential Learning” may have been highlighting education for the young, this should certainly apply to adults as well. I see people develop more fears as they get older, more so than they may ever had had as children. This is because we have convinced ourselves that we must accept what society tells us is acceptable, the “social norm”.. As a child, typically, we would push our boundaries, getting punished into submission to whatever the belief system of the enforcer if we overstepped those boundaries. I think that only worsens as we get older. The social acceptance becomes more important than when we were children. We adults can learn too that if we can get rid of fear, a binding on us to be released, then even we adults can enhance our “motivation for curiosity and intellectual growth of expression, (not just verbal) language” and, thus… continue to grow regardless of age. As you say, “progress requires continual questioning, reëxamination, and possible-probable retooling — residing in fluidness if you will — even in the face of perceived contradictions or threats from establishments.” I know that I don’t ever want to stop “growing”… I choose to stay motivated, curious. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for a wonderful comment Dana. I see I sparked or “flamed” something inside you. 😉

      In your research, were you able to determine how physical exertion may play a part in aiding the function of the skin, immune system, amino acid buffet, as well as the brain? Is there a figure that would show how it might, or serves to increase, our wattage output?

      As a former pro & semi-pro soccer player, physical exertion is always a good activity to maintain all the body’s organs & functions throughout one’s entire life, not just during your 20’s, 30’s, 40’s and 50’s. But as touched on (with the young) our bodies, and brains have limits, and not just because of a 12.6 or 63 watt supply limit. It can increase a little in spurts or phases — and of course it can be artificially raised much higher through drugs or chemical-enhancements — but for now in this evolutionary stage of Homo sapiens, 12.6 and 63 watts are roughly the maximums. There are apparently rare instances of “super-human” phenomenon, but again those are infrequent circumstances in EXTREME conditions, stress, etc, not every day situations.

      Now if you were possibly alluding to the widely unknown Dark Arts of SSC BDSM, yes. The physical, neurological, and meta-physical reactions & activity inside the brain and body, as well as BETWEEN participants (and even spectators), all very closely managed & monitored, is an entirely different subject that I wasn’t going to address here. Suffice to say that the human brain-body is a remarkable adapting, learning, sophisticated organism that on individual levels is perhaps the MOST unexplored, untapped worlds(?) in all existing “Living Systems” of which I am exploring in this series. 😉

      Further, education should not stop when one gets out of college.

      Absolutely. Though our physical bodies gradually cannot do what our teen or 20’s body would do, there are a plethora of other experiential worlds to explore and learn about — they are literally unrestricted; “restricted” only by self or conventions or fear. Understand clearly that I am NOT advocating recklessness, simply courage. Make sense? 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    • Happy you’re enjoying yourself Lucky! And I DO understand time constraints. As I mention in my About page, one cannot merely browse for a minute or two and absorb my deep… strangeness and unconventionality. 😛

      Go and come as you please Ma’am.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. A couple of thoughts that I wanted to add to your points here in this post that I think would add to things to think about. 🙂

    In regards to identity, I wrote a blog post about this once based on a psychology paper I read that was talking about how we begin to form identity. When we are first born we still believe we are part of our mothers and thus we are not born with identity. As it turns out to form our own identity we must do so through knowing others. At the beginning of course this is usually our parents. But this sort of ties in the idea of identity to the social aspect of humanity. When you think about any quality you know about yourself part of why you know it is unique or special, better or worse is because of what you know about others. People who throw up constant memes about not listening to what anybody says about you are sort of fooling themselves because ultimately our identity is very tied into what others think about us, or what we believe others think about us, and also about what we believe about them. As infants as we begin to understand qualities about our parents and who they are as people only then do we come to realize that they are different from us, and thus we are an individual as well.

    In regards to education I waffle between this free learning versus some sort of standardized education. I think though that we’d probably be a little better with opportunities for both. Of course one always has opportunities for such things outside of schools. I think we must also get the idea out of our heads that school is the only place for learning. But the real reason I waffle on this issue is because I do think there is also important knowledge that one might not normally find or realize and I think part of education is the exposure to ideas that might not normally reveal themselves to you in everyday life. Of course I think we can expose students to ideas and let them do the exploring and this is probably a better way to teach. For some things like mathematics and certain more complex ideas it might be better to provide a little more guidance, but overall I think one of the values to school is to expose one to concepts that aren’t necessarily part of everyday life, but perhaps should be, or simply inspire one to new avenues of interest.

    You might enjoy this TED talk by Sugata Mitra who is a pretty famous innovator in education. While I think a lot of his ideas eliminate the need for a teacher in a child’s life, which I disagree with, I do think his ideas are revolutionary and that we should be making an attempt to reform schools in a lot of ways and has to start at low levels first before it can be beneficial I think at higher levels of learning.


    Liked by 2 people

    • I feel compelled to let you finish this series for me Swarn, and I will go to Fiji or the Smithsonian Institution (again!). 😉

      I must say first that your feedback is so often an invitation to more life, more aliveness, and I want to just lick it all up! But I’ll spare you the spit. LOL 😀

      Okay, now back to business. I agree with you about identity’s formation and I too sway back-n-forth on specifics of education; education for young kids and teenagers, but not at all for adults. Without prematurely revealing too much of my direction and destination here, you have implicitely captured our human “fluidity” within what Heraclitus understood in about 500 BCE…

      No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it’s not the same river and he’s not the same man.

      Now I will gladly watch your TED Talk video! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • Haha…thank you for keeping me free of the spit! 🙂

        I love your quote. It reminds of something I learned while sitting in this psychology class about models for love and relationships and how to make them healthy. Many models are static models which always fall short because it doesn’t really ring true since two humans who love each other are different people from one moment to the next. How you might love each other at one point in your relationship might be completely different the next. So love may be love, but our expression of such emotions often have to change to have healthy long-term relationships.

        Liked by 2 people

  4. A number of issues here. Before I forget, in response to Dana’s comment, not all children push the boundaries. Some only learn it as adults. They are the ones who will no longer behave 😈

    Food. Having a laugh. People are greedy, selfish, and eat crap manufactured by corporate giants. Y’all want to abuse animals and the environment? While other people are starving? Well, yes, actually, because most people don’t give a shit about anyone except for themselves. My daily meals don’t look like that, but, you’ll have guessed that. You’ll also know as a former pro, that there’s a big difference between what people need to eat, what they choose to eat, and what athletes need to take in to be up to par. Athletes and average person, that you quoted, are not the same are they?

    John mentioned going to America. I went to NZ some years ago. I had to order starters only. The portions were huge. We started to joke about kiwi-shaped …

    I like your British references 🙂 There are quite a few ‘individual’ schools in the UK.

    I can’t believe you all had to say that at school though. That is serious indoctrination. You live in one hell of a whacky country.

    And finally. Your gender diagram. And the relevance was? Interesting. Interesting because it made lots of points and said they were artificial. Well, what’s new there? Although as I’m having a turgid discussion on clouds maybe I should copy it across!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Athletes and average person, that you quoted, are not the same are they?

      No, of course not. I tried to convey there are indeed some variances but they are not huge. Even a pro athlete only needs a little more (maybe 1,000 more calories?) to perform up to standard. And if even then it’s specific carbs and proteins relative to weight & muscle requirements — I am most definitely excluding massive weight-lifters, which are an entirely different breed/species(?)! 😛

      I knew you’d like the Summerhill School reference and A.S. Neill. 😉

      Your gender diagram. And the relevance was?

      You really couldn’t figure it out? 😮

      Liked by 1 person

        • Not to get too sidetracked on rigid semantics or hairsplitting, whatever electronic device you were/are using to read & view this blog, it is possible that the image showed up in the “amino acid” paragraph when it was and is inserted in the following paragraph regarding endless human systems…

          These three systems are only a tiny portion of multiple systems that make humans the most complex species on Earth.

          My apologies if the reference/connection was too vague or short. As a blog-writer I often struggle with leading my audience in directions and to conclusions that I personally have (my human nature of inclusion) versus allowing the reader to use their own powers of deduction, imagination, and cognition… to see or find MORE perspectives outside of even my boxes. Make sense? 🙂 I purposely stuck a “divergence” reference/image there to spur imaginative unconventional thinking about the human body’s immense ability to vary, whether it is tangibly physical or intangibly cognitive and hormonal.

          When you click on the image it takes you to the Gender Identity Map webpage where it says…

          While we may have been taught that gender means boy or girl, man or woman, many of us realize that gender is far more of a spectrum, with many different, and related, identities and expressions!

          This interactive graphic provides a general “map” of gender identities and expressions that people use, with their definitions and a few examples and further links and videos. Instead of the man vs. woman binary, this map uses Masculine, Feminine, Both, and Neither to describe a spectrum of identities.

          Yes, I remember how much you LOATHE extra clicking on extra videos, extra content, etc, etc. Perhaps you did it again here? 😉 ❤


          • Sorry, I should have said section, not paragraph. To me something as controversial as gender identity would have fitted nicely under free experiential learning and ‘fitting the school around the child’ (I paraphrase slightly but not enough to lose the essence).

            Of course I clicked! I was expecting deep revelation. But gender is high on the radar atm as sexism/trans issues came up in my absence last week so I have delved back into it. And while it is only one of many aspects that make us who we are, it is certainly one fraught with many issues. That I’m not sure will ever be resolved.

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  5. Pingback: Untapped Worlds – Retooling | Professor Taboo

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