Killing the Messenger?

How many tales and stories throughout history can you count when the bearer of a factual message is shot, beheaded, or loses their tongue? Think about it for a moment.

My header image above is from the 2005 film Kingdom of Heaven where the “new king” of Jerusalem, Guy of Lusignan, brutally kills Salah ad-Din Yusuf ibn Ayyub’s (or Saladin’s) messenger. All the messenger had been tasked with was to deliver Saladin’s factual message. That’s it. And he was murdered for it. I ask, in the 21st-century, does the messenger deserve death? Abuse? Blowback? Victimization for merely delivering the facts/truth? Anyone know the definition and background for a “whistle-blower“?

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Recently, I did exactly this: deliver the truth, the facts.

That’s it! And I will most likely get harsh blowback from those with depraved integrity, dignity, ethics, morals, and a disdain for the raw truth.

Therefore, knowing what most likely awaits me, and what social-media platforms do to messengers of truth/fact… I post this parody of factual news on here, on WordPress, because I will likely get “reported” for something like slander or fraudulent accusations… which by the way are totally unfounded, false blowbacks and merely their deluded defense for staying silent while abuses are committed by their supervisors, their church leadership or congregation members, or worse, their own family members. And all of it in silence… while these people profit from their too-scared-to-speak-up accessories of abominable sins. 😄

From the Truth Messenger

So… this is my Plan B backup when I surely receive blowback and attacks from vanilla, turn-a-blind-eye religious nutcases wanting the Messenger’s head.

I wish everyone a fabulous weekend! 😊

The Professor’s Convatorium © 2023 by Professor Taboo is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 

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