Surinam Toad

The Surinam Toad is just another fascinating creature on this weird planet—or as traditional Bronze Age, religious faith-followers might say… this toad is one of God’s perfectly created creatures—that reproduces in a most fascinating or revolting (for humans), mind-blowing way!

Here’s what is so bizarre about this ‘perfectly God-created‘ 😈creature. It speaks volumes to the supposed imagination and personality of this supreme deity of the universe! 🀭 (notice the mocking sarcasm please)

Why are these amphibians so freaky unusual? The female Surinames incubate their young inside the mother’s back for 3-4 months. After mating with a male who has fertilized between 60-100 of her eggs, he sticks them in a glue-like substance onto the skin of her back. Over the next 6-14 days her back skin grows around all the eggs, similar to a honeycomb structure of pouches (see image below).

The tadpole larvae develop inside these pouches over 90-120 days until the fully grown toadlets begin bursting out of their mother’s back! Each of these toadlets are less than an inch in length (see below image).

Isn’t this the most beautiful creature the Abrahamic God could’ve ever created!? What a sick, revolting imagination that God has, wouldn’t you say? But hey, He apparently created all things with that messed up brain of His. πŸ€’πŸ˜„ What a beautiful world He made for us! Hallelujah baby Jebus!!! 😈

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