A New Page

silver bulletsBecause it often seems a recurring topic of conversation both in person (in Texas) and on the internet-WordPress, I realized months ago I needed a sort of generic, exhaustive, refute to mainstream Christian (or religious) propaganda rampant and trifling across the internet/blogosphere with its often epic ignorance, so I would stop repeating myself. Primarily in historical arenas, but also logically, or cognitively, or philosophically, or theologically the general faulty or overly narrow-sighted history was often the same mistakes. I realized too that very brief 20-word or 50-word exchanges, or 10-15 minute exchanges with outspoken imposing Christians or religious zealots, had not been constructive or too positive. It was too frequent with the same historical content to new acquaintances and strangers, but also to some familiar names/faces weeks or months later. It became frustrating like a spinning broken record.

Therefore, similar to a silver-bullet or bullets, I have written this new page to be permanently on my Home page. A comprehensive, standing rebuttals, and an alternative verdicts page, helping re-educate or broaden(?), perhaps correct, the reasonable, moderate Conservatives of our Western Hemisphere, but particularly in the U.S. Maybe some radicals too could learn regarding what took place, or in some cases what most likely took place, in ancient Jerusalem, Judea, and the Levant and Fertile Crescent during those violent, critical first 4-5 centuries CE.

This is a colossal page because I wanted everything, all aspects of Christianity’s problems and failures to be hit in one fell swoop. But don’t freak out you busy, busy bees. For those of you who like smaller snack-size pieces due to strict time constraints, or interruptions, I’ll be posting this page in a series of multiple posts spread out over time so no brains overheat. 😉

balanced-scaleWhat was my motivation for such a massive project? At a bare minimum, I hope to encourage the excitable Christian to ask big questions, to ask lots of questions, and not just from one biased source or perspective, but all points of reference! I encourage them/you to do your own extensive legwork and homework. Then in 3-10 years genuinely re-examine your world-view. Make your own independent, highly informed choice. It took me more than 10-years to find all the most reliable unbiased sources to closely study. Why so long? You will uncover for yourself — if you honestly become a fair, progressing forensic investigator — that there is a never-ending amount of Christian-based and Seminary-sourced information available ad infinitum. In fact, it is so plentiful that accomplished and renown secular or non-Christian sources get utterly buried, suffocated, and almost silenced under the barrage. It’s uncanny really.

Nevertheless, most average Christians are unaware of these isolated, hard-to-find, Bible-challenging and refuting experts, science, and verified historical facts dismantling their religious faith-of-birth or adolescent choice for “Christ.” It is for these reasons, I have created my page Why Christianity Will Always Fail. It can be found on my Main Menu tab underneath My Library. Those valid truisms of the path of least resistence, or following the crowd should not be habitual. For anyone willing to be fair and objective regarding Christianity primarily, but Second Temple Judaism, theism and to a much lesser extent Islam, I hope this sizable wider-lens will provoke your own list of many questions to answer which for almost two millenia have not been asked and analyzed near enough in a variety of equitable ways.

Here’s to your free-thought and liberation.


Live Well — Love Much — Laugh Often — Learn Always

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This work by Professor Taboo is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at www.professortaboo.com/contact-me/.

43 thoughts on “A New Page

      • Thanks for asking, Professor. Yes, the novella’s coming on fine, and I have a first draft completed and in pretty good shape. It’s all about editing and honing now, smoothing transitions, finding more creative ways of expressing certain things, adding nuances that, as I come to understand the characters better, are appropriate. It’s an amazing experience for me, bringing characters to life out of nowhere. They become somehow real the more the writing tells me about them. I’ve heard this before from professional writers, but am getting glimpses of it for myself now. It’s all a learning process, but tremendously rewarding.

        Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you very much Rosaliene. ❤ I'm not sure it's fair for me to claim this as ultimate "truth." I'd much rather others find their own and I simply contribute to that/their journey. In the end, humans believe whatever they want and best fits their needs and their loved ones. 😛

      Couldn't agree more with your final sentence. We are indeed members (cousins?) of the same family: Earth! 😍

      Liked by 5 people

  1. Excellent. I’ll be referring folks to your page who have questions on these matters. However, I must say, that, since I follow the bible, and it is inerrant (cause I believe so), all I say about “real” Christianity, is 100% true and all you say is 100% fake news. As long as we understand this, we can be chums. Otherwise, I’ll divert any arguments on the matter so often and so far from their original topics that your head will spin, and, if that doesn’t work to prove to you how smart I am, I’ll simply talk to you smugly and condescendingly and, perhaps, call you a bunch of names and ban you from my blog.
    May the ever-loving arms of the Almighty Savior, Jesus Christ, who loves EVERYONE equally, except the gays, who He hates, surround you and hold you tightly and firmly without out ever once grabbing you on the ass unless it’s what you want. $Amen$

    Liked by 5 people

  2. I look forward to all the learning on your new page. Exciting for me to read, but I wonder how many of the religious you will get to read it. Best wishes. Hugs

    Liked by 3 people

    • Thank you Scottie! ❤ Yes, I suspect not too many Evangy-Fundies will bother with it at all. We humans often get overly bewitched by our cerebral-emotional comfort zones and put on our LifeStation Virtual Goggles in our comfy couches, eh? 😎 LOL Nevertheless, I will now save myself a TON of time and energy with any who genuinely have an open and fair heart and mind! They make it worth it.

      As you read Scottie, and it will take some time to get through, feel free to ask ANY questions at all. I'm happy to help you Sir. 🙂

      Liked by 3 people

  3. For a different reason, I have created a new page as well. Well, a new site anyway. I have created a new WordPress site to replace the old one due to not being able to figure out a link issue and having multiple people thinking my site had been deleted. My face looks the same (regardless of whether that’s good or bad) but when you click it, it should link to my new page. Could you re-follow me there? I would appreciate it. Thanks

    Liked by 1 person

      • Well, you may not receive any new posts without following my new site as I will not be posting on the old one after today. I’d hate to see you miss out on such riveting material. 🙂


        • Sure. Several actually. And this is not exhaustive by any means.

          Any nation under Muslim Sharia Law and the majority of (if not all) women there when out in public.

          Here in the USA many LGBTQ members or non-caucasians (racism) when out in public, at work, and other public events and take the road of silence or passivity. Also here in the U.S. on many university campuses women at parties/meet-ups who out of fear remain silent. More? Bill Cosby, Harry Weinstein, O.J. Simpson’s wife, when alive, Nicole Brown-Simpson, and all their victims. I could go on and on with this male-victimizing. Another long, long list would be the pedophile abuses of the Catholic Church as well as many Protestant ministers and staff abusing boys/children who are coerced into silence. Domestic abuse in families where victims are too scared to go to friends or law-enforcement.

          But the primary institution/ideology I was implying on this post and my “New Page” was Christology and its Scriptures and subsequent theology of human disempowerment, unaccountability for words and behavior put on a Christ/Satan, and all the hyper-divisiveness or elitism it teaches to children and gullible adults.

          Btw Lander7, thanks for the follow. 🙂

          Liked by 1 person

  4. So to be clear, I extracted one of your examples of coercion that you provided in your reply: “Bill Cosby”.

    So coercion for you is when Bill Cosby drugged and then raped women while they were unconscious. Now that I understand what you are saying I would like to know how you apply this to what you call, “Christology”.

    How does Bill Cosby use coercion within Christology through scripture, disempowerment, and unaccountability to bring about hyper-divisiveness or elitism?

    You also stated: “Btw Lander7, thanks for the follow. 🙂”

    NP 😀 I find your site to be very interesting and an opportunity to talk to someone who doesn’t share my beliefs. I also love the way your site encapsulates the replies within each post! What site template are you using?

    My site is https://realitydecoded.blog/


    • My goodness. Out of all the examples I offered, and many I didn’t that I’m sure YOU could’ve thought of, you focused on just that one!? 🤔 LOL Hmmm, well I don’t have time to go into all the specific details of Cosby’s court-case and conviction — an unnecessary tangent. However, it should not be overlooked that somehow Bill Cosby got those many women to his home, alone. Manipulation? Coercion? Deception? Whatever, it was all about him abusing his occupational, social, and celebrity status (ala power entities like religions) to get his victims alone. But here is what is MORE important than the initial coercing/manipulation: with most all of those victimized women, the statute of limitations passed long before the women came forward. Why was that? It’s women feeling as if they cannot seek justice for who they are or are not and what Bill Cosby really is.

      That’s the point in Bill Cosby’s case. Since I’ve clarified that it is better elaborated and clarified in my Page “Why Christianity Will Always Fail.” But if you’d like the Cliff Notes version 😉 , I believe I provided that in my previous reply:

      But the primary institution/ideology I was implying on this post and my “New Page” was Christology and its Scriptures and subsequent theology of human disempowerment, unaccountability for words and behavior, and all the hyper-divisiveness or elitism it teaches to children and gullible adults.

      With that in mind and then reading in its entirety my Page “Why Christianity Will Always Fail” you will be able to have these questions answered coupled with your cognitive inferences.

      NP 😀 I find your site to be very interesting and an opportunity to talk to someone who doesn’t share my beliefs. I also love the way your site encapsulates the replies within each post! What site template are you using?

      Thank you. My WP-site template? It is a Premium (annual pay) version with the Twenty-Eleven template.

      Liked by 2 people

  5. You stated – “My goodness. Out of all the examples I offered, and many I didn’t that I’m sure YOU could’ve thought of, you focused on just that one!?”

    My response — I just randomly picked one you supplied. I thought that any you supplied would be able to elaborate on your beliefs or understanding.

    I asked — “How does Bill Cosby use coercion within Christology through scripture, disempowerment, and unaccountability to bring about hyper-divisiveness or elitism?”

    Your response — “I provided that in my previous reply: “But the primary institution/ideology I was implying on this post and my “New Page” was Christology and its Scriptures and subsequent theology of human disempowerment, unaccountability for words and behavior, and all the hyper-divisiveness or elitism it teaches to children and gullible adults. With that in mind and then reading in its entirety my Page “Why Christianity Will Always Fail” you will be able to have these questions answered coupled with your cognitive inferences.”

    My response — I didn’t see the connection of what you were saying on your site and since you have stated all that can be said on the subject I guess we can end the thread. It was nice talking to you.

    We will simply disagree without detail that there is any scripture disempowerment and unaccountability that brings about hyper-divisiveness.


    • My response — I didn’t see the connection of what you were saying on your site and since you have stated all that can be said on the subject I guess we can end the thread. It was nice talking to you.

      We will simply disagree without detail that there is any scripture disempowerment and unaccountability that brings about hyper-divisiveness.

      That would be true Lander7 IF you never venture over to my blog-Page never reading it closely in its entirety. Besides, it doesn’t make much sense nor is it practical to repeat here what is easily read over there. 😉 I’m quite sure you’d indeed have your answers on the Scriptures disempowering and offering unaccountability which leads to hyper-divisiveness of the religion or institution. As one brief example that I address on my Page — found here: Why Christianity Will Always Fail — these are two sections on that Page which cause unaccountability and disempowerment respectively:

      • Under the section General Problems and Failures, Age of Accountability followed by Unaccountability or Passing the Buck.

      • Under the section General Problems and Failures, Mindset/Words over Action/Deeds followed by Double Standards & Mutable Grace with Time.

      Those FOUR sections (and more) along with the 1,900+ years of gradual, consistent fragmenting (denomination upon denomination upon denomination, ad infinitum) demonstrate long-standing, problematic Christian disunity/divisiveness and enabling of poor or atrocious behavior for life then on a death-bed claiming Christ, i.e. unaccountability onto a Proxy or Get-Out-of-Jail-Free card. Therefore, we cannot “disagree” at this point this prematurely here on simply this introductary blog-post. LOL Again, all of this is extensively covered over on my Page.

      I do agree that we can end this thread here on this post. There’s no need really to continue going in circles here, but I warmly welcome you to the real MEAT of this topic over on my Page that this post refers everyone to. Thanks Lander7 for your interest. It is appreciated. 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

      • I was just seeking clarity on your position in this post so I am ok with us being in disagreement since there is no detail on your side (here in this post).

        I will review some of your links and see if I can understand your viewpoint from those posts.

        Really not a big deal.


        • …since there is no detail on your side (here in this post).

          First, some background before I address that statement.

          I will assume you understand the definition of (an implied) Teaser or Prologue in a book, in a lengthy journal article, or an entire section of a newpaper. This technique is one purpose for this intro post. Another purpose I used this post/technique for are WordPress restrictions. When a blog-owner creates a Page on their blog, notifications do not go out to all of the blog’s followers. Another purpose I used this post/technique for is 1) the importance, the impact, the obscurity or generally unknown content/information of these Problems & Failures of Christianity is a COLOSSAL amount of critical-analysis; over 18,800 words on only my part! Too large to be a Post which over time gets buried under new and recent posts then forgotten and essentially UNAVAILABLE to newcomers. This leads to 2) a Page is always readily available on one’s Home Page and not buried and forgotten or lost to newcomers. I explained all of this in my 2nd thru 4th paragraphs of this Post. Now to your statement I’ve quoted where I clearly state in my 5th paragraph…

          It is for these reasons, I have created my page Why Christianity Will Always Fail. It can be found on my Main Menu tab underneath My Library. Those valid truisms of the path of least resistence, or following the crowd should not be habitual. For anyone willing to be fair and objective regarding Christianity primarily, but Second Temple Judaism, theism and to a much lesser extent Islam, I hope this sizable wider-lens will provoke your own list of many questions to answer which for almost two millenia have not been asked and analyzed near enough in a variety of equitable ways.

          There’s another teaser, prologue, encouragement to go read the Page if one is interested and open-minded.

          And so to finally end this thread here, this instant, I do hope I see your feedback-comment(s) or maybe the Like-button over there on the Page. IOW, nothing more here please. I’d rather not close comments on this post. Thank you Lander7 for your clarified understanding. 👍

          Liked by 1 person

          • Also for the last time, I believe we understand each and I will find the details to your viewpoint on your other page. So we are ok to end this thread.

            I do have a question about your posting process from what you stated since I also have a blog.

            Are you saying you have a post/technique that can reach more people than usual and can get around wordpress restrictions?

            If so how are you doing that?

            You stated — “Another purpose I used this post/technique for are WordPress restrictions. When a blog-owner creates a Page on their blog, notifications do not go out to all of the blog’s followers.


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