Here We Go Again

I am midway through the organizing, drafting and creating my blog-presentation and a CD-version of my family’s June 2021 vacation in Michigan on Mackinac Island. I have enjoyed immensely crafting this presentation for my family and friends; there are so many lifelong memories we made up there on that magnificent island and gorgeous Lilac Festival. Several of my friends and extended family have asked me once or twice, Dwain, when are you going to pass it out, present it to us and let us see and watch your wonderful trip? They are politely getting a wee bit impatient. I don’t blame them, honestly.

But this past week and weekend I have been increasingly hindered by our state’s and my DFW Metroplex’s recent, newest surge of the COVID-19 Delta variant and its domino-effect, ripple-effect impact upon all aspects of daily living… again.

I am also increasingly upset, frustrated, and approaching livid with fellow Texans, Americans, and anywhere else that has a large populous of ignorant, defiant, science-deniers and refusers of our advanced, highly effective medical sciences, i.e. our epidemiology, virology, biology, and cytology—to name only the four major players of medical science—that has in fact provided humanity amply three-to-four different 95% effective vaccines against this unbelievably deadly global pandemic. Furthermore, since at least March this year these highly effective vaccinations have been increasingly uncomplicated, convenient, and widely available at most all clinics, pharmacies, hospitals, grocery stores, or your own physician’s office! And yet, as of July 14th, 2021, five months after most American/Texas adults could receive their first dose, and 3-4 weeks later their second final dose… only 42.4% of Texans have gone to finish this extremely easy, publicly safer fight against a deadly virus.

Source –

This virus absolutely becomes smarter, stronger, and more lethal over time, if given the time and freedom to kill millions and millions more by lazy, stupid, arrogantly defiant human beings. And Texas is not the only American (Red) state to see alarming surges in new cases of COVID-19. And according to past trends of these newest waves of infections, yes, no surprise our hospital ER’s and medical frontline staff will once again get overrun and bombarded with insane numbers of admissions, ventilator shortages, overloaded morgues, etc, etc, blah, blah, blah… another painfully exhausting and mass mortality rate as 2020 had been! Why?

Simple. Very simple actually. In basic biology, cytology, and virology with an aerial transmissible virus like COVID-19 the cells learn in time how to become smarter and more resistant to human vaccines. Honestly, a fourth- or fifth-grader can comprehend this science.

Therefore my loyal, patient Followers, because this rise/surge effects all aspects of daily life, jobs, social life, travel, income, higher expenses, more risks, etc, etc, should I go on? I am having an increasingly harder and harder time to complete my family’s Mackinac Island story for anyone interested. I am truly sorry. 😥

Meanwhile, I will list these old blog-posts I published over the last year and a half regarding this deadly pandemic and America’s naivety and laissez-faire attitude to this killer virus, as if they’re immortal Supermen or Wonder Women and no kryptonites exist. WTH? So here’s my list below in a fashion of I told you so… how many times people? 🤦‍♂️

I didn’t feel up to snuff to write yet another blog-post about COVID-19, the millions upon millions of premature deaths we governments allowed, the unimaginable hardships this pandemic was upon (and still is) our remarkable frontline medical workers, the sheer stupidity of one political party here politicizing this deadly virus and spreading tons of disinformation, fallacies, and cow-manure about the virus—not to mention on our most scrutinized, most legal 2020 Presidential and state elections ever in our nation’s history—and finally our average level of UNintelligent science-medicine numbskulls who have apparently and willingly had lobotomies done to themselves and fellow, like-minded, cattle and goats so as to “belong” and blindly follow the blind. No, I just didn’t have it in me. Sorry. Select whatever older posts you’re interested in revisiting.

Finally, if we must go through another 2020 because of this widespread sheer stupidity—I was essentially a total hermit recluse for 14-months straight!—there’s no telling what I might do to escape (or lose/snap) this pandemic-epidemic idiocy here. I mean, how much more can we reasonably intelligent, street-smart, and post-grad book-smart people of well-established science, biology, cytology, virology, and epidemiology… endure? 😵‍💫

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For more reliable, precise health and medical information other than social-media platforms designed to spread fallacies and disinformation which translates eventually into lost lives… see these below medical sites and professionals. Why the medical science works, unquestionably:

For a detailed, documented version of the above video, click here. Two questions I had for the CDC or the University of California–Davis School of Health & Medicine were the following:

  • Will the COVID-19 vaccines protect against new variants of the virus? Answer here.
  • What do we know and not know about the more dangerous strains of coronavirus such as the Delta variant? Answer here.

Live Well — Love Much — Laugh Often — Learn Science Always

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Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at

46 thoughts on “Here We Go Again

      • And it’s one to one correlation: those getting Covid have not been vaccinated while those vaccinated are not getting Covid. Who could have possibly predicted this unexpected and strange twist of fate?

        Liked by 4 people

        • So very true. Although some of the virologists and our CDC are stating that even though I am fully vaccinated—since mid-April this year—I can still contract a lesser form of COVID and most likely not need hospitalization. Of course, I am very pleased about that news, BUT… but what irritates and chaps my ass so damn much Tildeb, is that these effin morons not fully vaccinated are going to affect ONCE AGAIN my paychecks, workhours, social life out and about—something that has been a huge part of my life, especially dancing every weekend! 😠—my family, especially my elderly Mom, on top of my hours volunteering for our regional Crisis Suicide Hotline that I just managed to get some sort of a respite from (hard draining hours Feb 2020 to March 2021) and worse still… I was managing a large increase of calls from families whose family member is/was a frontline hospital worker and that nurse, nurse-tech, clerk, etc, was SO DAMN exhausted, at risk, and emotionally devastated too many times because he or she was literally the LAST PERSON that infected patient saw/talked to before dying! And Tildeb, listening to those poor, overworked, drained, very depressed medical workers eventually affected me and my energy levels too. 😢

          So many Texans and Americans have NO CLUE whatsoever what they must go through in order to save and protect these very idiotic, naïve, lazy, UNvaccinated people that are admitted into the ER, ICU, or wherever they go!!! It is way beyond maddening and heart-crushing. 💔

          Liked by 1 person

    • Btw Sir, I wanted to say thank you, genuinely, for putting up with my increased disgruntledness 🙄 with our COVID-response here, its useless politicizing, and my expressed agitation with it all in too many blog-posts. I know it must get tiresome. You are to be applauded my Friend for sticking it out here with me reading my regular whining of late. I can’t thank you enough for it. 🙂

      My sincere gratitude Sir. ❤️


  1. Pingback: What Up?!? Monday 19July 2021 – The Psy of Life

  2. As an outsider looking in to the USA (and Europe, for that matter), I’m astonished at how right-wing Libertarians attempt to defy and deny the ever-mounting empirical medicical evidence and excess-deaths statistics, then glibly announce to the world: It’s just the flu. I can only presume they’re trying to demonstrate just how fucking stupid they really are — in that at least, they succeed. Blessings on the day, Professor!

    Liked by 1 person

    • The amount of sheer ignorance, asinine stupidity of excuses I here today, with NO logical or scientific/medical basis Hariod is in an (overkill) abundance bursting at the seams tidal-wave of insanity for normal Americans who graduated from their middle & high school science classes with even marks of a C+ or B-. It is truly beyond comprehension. Way, way, WAY too much focus on the individual self—self, self, self, SELF… like a 100x over spoiled brat!

      In order to calm myself, my hypertension & high-blood pressure, and maintain some sense of intelligent humanity H… I’ve been having to listen a lot to M83’s hit song “Outro.” It does indeed soothe me… at least for 5-10 mins to bring my pulse back down and me back to Earth. 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  3. On a musical Covid note. As I feel sure you will appreciate.
    Clapton has said he will not perform to ”discriminated audiences” (vaccinated and non-vaccinated.)
    He bases this on his own vaccination experience as after his jabs he states his hands and feet went numb and the sensations lasted for nearly two weeks. He said he got the shock of his life and at one point thought he might not ever be able to play again.


    • What a ridiculous overreaction. 🤦‍♂️ Numb hands and feet for a mere 2-weeks—compared to how many weeks in a rock musician’s lifespan?—is DAYUM SURE BETTER than dying way prematurely and leaving all your loved ones behind way too early!!! Or worse, getting THEM infected and killing them! Geeezzzz, the sheer stupidity I listen to around here is enough to go off the reservation and taking all the world’s tequila with me!!! 🤬


    • Sorry for my delayed response Tildeb. Yesterday we lost electrical power twice (over 2.5 hrs first outage, 1.5 hrs second outage) and consequently when power is lost for that long everything in our society that’s running on electronic-tech equipment is utterly USELESS—which is basically 90% to 95% of everything in this country/state. 🙄 Yes, it is incredibly frustrating to be so cripplingly dependent on electronics these days when just 30-35 yrs ago we were not so dependent/addicted to an electronic lifestyle! 😠

      I am not familiar with Charles Gaba nor It appears he is a statistician? It also appears by his very revealing graphs that there is an almost, if not DIRECT correlation with Trump-supporters inside those U.S. States (and counties) where the worst Delta-variant COVID outbreaks/surges are happening. Interesting indeed, and not that I’m shocked by this revelation by any means. Hard data doesn’t lie in the least, does it? 😉

      Great share Tildeb! Thank you very much!


      • Exactly. Hard data is what we need to compare and contrast narratives to question why narratives are NOT data and why some are better informed than others! This data demonstrates the politicization of a health issue and so the effects can be used as a teachable moment. Let’s predict. Let’s see the prediction come to fruition. Does our contrary belief or rationalizations or excuses affect anything? Let’s see what happens so that we when we allow ourselves to be fooled into believing a narrative we favour – for whatever the reasons may be – we understand how and why this happens to others. In this way we can always, always always try to see Us in Them first and then act accordingly.

        As for power problems in Texas… it ain’t going away. It’s ONLY going to get worse. So when – not if – adverse climate change makes heating and cooling nuclear iffy, look out. Someone is going to make a bad decision and for all the politically correct reasons! That’s why I keep saying… you don’t have to live there. Nothing says ‘independent’ like voting with your feet.

        Liked by 2 people

        • Hah! I’m reminded of a (so so, or not-so?) similar way of thinking about or conceptualizing “voting with your feet” as a show of independence. In military strategies, tactics, maneuvers, etc, “intelligence,” as in up-to-the-minute info of enemy positions, movements, strengths, weaknesses, etc, “Boots on the Ground” was/is the only sure fire way of having PRECISE intel or info, or in this case hard data on a viral-biological enemy. Even today in our high-tech military, even drones cannot provide 100% precise hard data on a spectrum of necessary intel in a combat zone. Nevertheless, to this day, boots on the ground is still the gold-valued standard of intel… or hard data. I think that applies here as well. 🙂

          And as I’ve stated many times in my blog-posts here over the last 10-yrs, when it comes to sociopolitical issues or (mysterious?) questions on a subject, especially if it concerns impoverished zip codes—which too often translates to “higher crime” areas—Republican candidates or incumbents very rarely put their Boots on that Ground. Something to ponder, then unequivocally accept as fact regarding the GOP here in Texas.

          Liked by 1 person


          Tildeb, to your fine points here… the status and trend here in Dallas County, Texas and essentially all those Trump-supporting states in the South and Midwest with COVID trends going in the WRONG direction… here we are back at Orange. Remember my May 2020 blog-post: Color-coded Alerts?

          Yes, we like all of the Trump-supporting U.S. states are headed in the wrong direction! But as you’ve shared here with Gaba’s hard stats, data, it really doesn’t come as any surprise. What is more sad, more shameful is that those UNvaccinated Republicans and others who refuse to listen to true virologists, epidemiologists, and medical science… are going to make life harder, more miserable, and economically challenging AGAIN just for the sake of their ignorance and self-absorption! That infuriates me to no end. 🤬


      • I may have mentioned this before so forgive me if it’s a repeat, but my granddaughter and family are considering a move to your “great state of Texas” because California is, well, run by those “liberal” Democrats. They really want to get away from the overbearing policies and mandates that keep them from enjoying life as they want to. I mean, “personal freedom” is what it’s all about, right? (Especially when the power grid goes kaput.)

        Liked by 1 person

        • Funny you mention this Nan because over the last 5-8 years between DFW, Austin, Houston, San Antonio and all the little rural towns in between, including Kerrville where my Mom used to live (22-yrs) and where I have extended family members living, I’ve actually bumped into approx. 4-5 families who had recently moved to Texas from California and into those areas of this Lone Star State my own family are living. And no surprise Nan, every single one of those “new generation” immigrants into Tejas-Tejano-Texas… are Republicans, parents and/or older couples. I shit you not.

          They too all complained to my extended family members in those neighborhoods and to me—the 10-seconds I would listen 😉 —about “all the liberals, Democrats, and unholy non-Christians there are RUINING the state.” 😄 I think there has been only ONE legitimately “good” reason I’ve ever heard to move to Texas: “cheap housing/land prices.” That is of course by national comparisons and there are many complex reasons why that is the case. However, dig a lot further into the labyrinth of other factors, variables, and related components making up the “Standard of Living” here… and it is a completely different, sad, STARK reality! Texas actually ranks at #29 to #38 or #41 on National Scales/Charts in many other aspects of living. I recently touched on this reality in my blog-post: Not 1st is Unacceptable! back in March.

          Living here is HARD if you were not born into “silver spoons & plates” on a mega-ranch and for generations in your pedigree your average family-home income was/is between 6-9 digits or higher. Then life here is fantastic because you’ll be surrounded by that demographic inside the wealthiest zip codes on the planet! 🙄

          If your granddaughter and her family move here Nan, in about 1-3 years the harsh reality will set in and should change their mindset, temper it to a more factual based perception, assuming of course they don’t fall into that highly opulent demographic I mentioned above. 😉


          • No … no “opulent” demographic. Nevertheless, I’m sure “the politics” will meet their most heartfelt desires. Perhaps, as you say, reality may eventually set in, but somehow I have my doubts. Hard cores tend to make the necessary excuses to maintain their perspectives.

            Just as an added note — I do tend to think this is mostly a pipe dream for them. He has a very good job as a Sheriff’s Deputy and although she gripes and complains about California’s school system (where, as she puts it, they teach her daughter about “gay lifestyles”), I just don’t think she/they are that motivated. Of course, I may be surprised.

            I know you have plans down the road to get out. I hope you don’t lose your mind before it happens!

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            • Yeah, my plans to get far away from this Red State began during high school—then I couldn’t leave for university quick enough when it happened. 😄 But since 1996-97 with my last marriage and two kids, a bad divorce, worse child-support & Attorney General’s Office here, and now my 81-yr old mother suffering from acute Dementia (perhaps early stages of Alzheimer’s Disease), those “plans to escape” have been greatly modified and changed. :/ They’re changing every month as my mother ages too. Ugh.

              So as long as my mother lives, I could never leave her in the hands of and management of my sister—who you might remember is a lifelong drug/alcohol addict and psych patient with regular panic/anxiety attacks. Thus, I don’t see myself leaving Texas anytime soon. 🙄 But I do indeed dream of other nations with a much better standard of living and where the vast majority of their citizens are the happiest on Earth!!! Oooooo, be still my beating heart that longs for those places. 😉

              Liked by 2 people

            • Ah, caught between a rock and a hard place. Been there. Done that. It sucks. Especially when the elderly demented person is like the Eveready Bunny. Had two of those, one on my side, one on my spouse’s side. 97 and 94. Blunt and rude of me, I know, but seriously, how the hell do these people live so long… after wars and epidemics and depressions and child raising!??

              Liked by 1 person

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